Kitchens, Konkle & Kessler
Table of Contents
PART 1: Hemorrhagic Processes
1. Consultative Process
2. An Approach to the Bleeding Patient: Correlation of Clinical Symptoms and Signs with Laboratory Testing
3. Hemophilia A and B
4. Less Common Congenital Disorders of Hemostasis
5. Acquired Coagulation Disorders Due to Inhibitors
6. von Willebrand Disease
7. General Aspects of Thrombocytopenia, Platelet Transfusions, and Thrombopoietic Growth Factors
8. Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia
9. Congenital and Acquired Disorders of Platelet Function and Number
10. Purpura and Other Hematovascular Disorders
11. HHT
12. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
13. The Cross-Talk of Inflammation and Coagulation in Infectious Disease and Their Roles in Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
PART 2: Thrombotic Processes
14. Thrombophilia: Clinical and Laboratory Assessment and Management
15. Pediatric Aspects of Thrombophilia
16. Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism and Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
17. Venous Thromboses at Unusual Sites
18. The Post Thrombotic Syndrome
19. Thrombocytosis: Essential Thrombocytemia and Reactive Causes
20. Antiphospholipid Syndrome
21. Antiplatelet Treatment in Cardiovascular Medicine
22. Non-Arteriosclerotic Arterial Occlusive Disease
23. Thrombosis and Cancer
24. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
25. Hemostatic Disorders of Complement Activation (PNH and aHUS) - New Chapter
26. Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
PART 3: Therapeutic Agents
27. Antithrombotic Agents
28. Blood Component and Pharmacological Agents
29. Therapeutic Apheresis – Applications for Hemorrhagic & Thrombotic Disorders
30. Vena Caval Filters
PART 4: Issues Specific to Women
31. Thrombotic Risk of Contraceptives and other Hormnal Therapies
32. Bleeding and the Management of Hemorrhagic Disorders in Pregnancy
33. Thrombophilia in Pregnancy
PART 5: Special Issues
34. Surgery and Hemostasis
35. Anticoagulation in the Perioperative Period
36. Understanding and Managing the Coagulopathy of Liver Disease
37. Outpatient Anticoagulant Therapy38. Hematologic Interventions for Acute Central Nervous System Disease
39. Pending: Atrial Septal Abnormalties and Cryptogenic Stroke
40. Hemorrhage Control and Thrombosis Following Severe Injury
41. Hemostatic Aspects of Sickle Cell Disease