Varadarajulu, Fockens & Hawes
Table of Contents
4e TOC
Section 1. Basics of EUS
1. Principles of Ultrasound
2. Equipment
3. Training and Simulators
4. Indications, Preparation, and Adverse Effects
5. New Techniques in EUS: Real-Time Elastography, Contrast-Enhanced EUS, and Fusion Imaging
Section 2. Mediastinum
6. How to Perform EUS in the Esophagus and Mediastinum
7. EUS(B) and EBUS in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
8. EUS in Esophageal and Gastric Cancer
9. EUS in the Evaluation of Posterior Mediastinal Lesions
Section 3. Stomach
10. How to Perform EUS in the Stomach
11. Subepithelial Lesions
Section 4. Pancreas and Biliary Tree
12. How to Perform EUS in the Pancreas, Bile Duct, and Liver
13. EUS in Inflammatory Disease of the Pancreas
14. EUS and Pancreatic Tumors
15. EUS in the Evaluation Pancreatic Cysts
16. EUS in Bile Duct, Gallbladder, and Ampullary Lesions
Section 5. Anorectum
17. How to Perform Anorectal EUS
18. EUS in Rectal Cancer
19. Evaluation of the Anal Sphincter by Anal EUS
Section 6. EUS-Guided Tissue Acquisition
20. How to Perform EUS-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration
21. Techniques for EUS-Guided Fine-Needle Biopsy
22. Cytology Primer for Endosonographers
23. EUS-Guided Drainage of Pancreatic Fluid Collections
24. EUS-Guided Drainage of the Biliary-Pancreatic Ductal Systems and Gallbladder
25. EUS-Guided Ablation Therapy and Celiac Plexus Interventions
26. EUS-Guided Anastomosis, Drainage of Abdominal-Pelvic Fluid Collections, and Vascular Interventions