ISBN eBook:
Tapa Rustica
With comprehensive, highly visual coverage designed for sports clinicians, team physicians, sports medicine fellows, primary care physicians, and other health care professionals who provide care to athletes and active individuals, Netter’s Sports Medicine, 3rd Edition, is an ideal resource for everyday use. Editors include three past presidents of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, it includes contributions from world-renowned experts as well as a rich illustration program with many classic paintings by Frank H. Netter, MD. From Little League to professional sports, weekend warriors to Olympic champions, and backcountry mountainside to the Super Bowl field, this interdisciplinary reference is indispensable in the busy outpatient office, in the training room, on the sidelines, and in preparation for sports medicine board certification.
Madden, Putukian, McCarty & Young
Table of Contents
Section 1 Header
1 The Team Physician
1 The Team Physician
1 The Certified Athletic Trainer and the Athletic Training Room
1 The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
1 Sports Supplements
1 Sports Pharmacology of Pain and Inflammation Control in Athletes
1 Flexibility
1 Drugs and Doping in Athletes
1 Gastrointestinal Problems
2 Sports Nutrition
2 High Altitude Training and Competition
2 The Certified Athletic Trainer and the Athletic Training Room
3 Sideline Preparedness and Emergencies on the Field
3 Sports Pharmacology of Chronic Disease
3 Sports Pharmacology of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
3 Care of Athletes at Different Levels: From Pee-Wee to Professional
3 Aerobic Training
3 Resistance Training
3 The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
4 The High School Athlete: Setting Up a High School Sports Medicine Program
4 The Female Athlete
4 Eating Disorders in Athletes
4 Overtraining
4 Sideline Preparedness and Emergencies
5 The Senior Athlete
5 Sports Nutrition
6 The Pediatric Athlete
6 The Wilderness Athlete and Adventurer
6 Sports Supplements
7 Sports Pharmacology of Pain and Inflammation Control in Athletes
8 Sports Pharmacology of Chronic Disease
9 The Physically Challenged Athlete
9 Exercise in the Cold and Cold Injuries
9 Sports Pharmacology of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
10 Travel Considerations for the Athlete and Sports Medical Team
10 The Pediatric Athlete
11 Exercise Prescription and Physiology
11 The High School Athlete: Setting Up a High School Sports Medicine Program
12 The Female Athlete
13 The Senior Athlete
14 The Athlete with Physical Disability
14 Exercise in the Heat and Heat Illness
14 Hematologic Problems in Athletes
14 The Athlete with Diabetes
14 Cardiac Disease in Athletes
15 Care of Athletes at Different Levels: From Pee-Wee to Professional
16 EKG Interpretation in Athletes
16 The Wilderness Athlete and Adventurer
17 The Role of Sport Psychology and Psychiatry
17 The Hypertensive Athlete
17 Neurologic Problems in the Athlete
17 Headache in the Athlete
17 Connective Tissue Diseases and Rheumatologic Problems in Athletes
17 Musculoskeletal Injuries in Sports
17 Physical Modalities in Sports Medicine
17 Exercise Prescription and Physiology
18 Aerobic Training
19 Resistance Training
20 Infections in Athletes
20 Skin Problems in the Athlete
20 Flexibility
21 Exercise in the Heat and Heat Illness
22 Renal and Genitourinary Problems
22 Exercise in the Cold and Cold Injuries
23 Neck Injuries
23 Altitude Training and Competition
24 Eye Injuries
24 Travel Considerations for the Athlete and Sports Medical Team
25 Hand and Wrist Injuries
25 The Role of Sport Psychology and Psychiatry
26 Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm, Anaphylaxis, and Urticaria
26 Thoracic and Lumbosacral Spine Injuries
26 Drugs and Doping in Athletes
27 Pelvis, Hip and Thigh Injuries
27 Knee Injuries
27 Eating Disorders in Athletes
28 Cartilage Problems in Sports
28 Overtraining
29 Acute Fractures and Dislocations in Athletes
29 Infections in Athletes
30 Stress Fractures
30 Gastrointestinal Problems
31 Comprehensive Rehabilitation of the Athlete
31 Foot Problems
31 Hematologic Problems in Athletes
32 Head Injuries
32 Taping and Bracing
32 Renal and Genitourinary Problems
33 Injections in the Athlete
33 The Athlete with Diabetes
34 Shoulder Injuries
34 Diagnostic Imaging in Sports Medicine
34 Sports Ultrasound
34 EKG Interpretation in Athletes
35 Maxillofacial Injuries
35 Elbow Injuries
35 Injury Prevention Protocols
35 Cardiac Disease in Athletes
36 Football
36 The Hypertensive Athlete
37 Soccer
37 Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction, Urticaria and Anaphylaxis
38 Thorax and Abdominal Injuries
38 Rugby
38 Neurologic Problems in the Athlete
39 Ankle and Leg Injuries
39 Lacrosse
39 Headache in the Athlete
40 Field Hockey
40 Skin Problems in the Athlete
41 Ultimate Frisbee
41 Connective Tissue Diseases and Rheumatologic Problems in Athletes
42 Basketball
42 Musculoskeletal Injuries in Sports
43 Volleyball
43 Comprehensive Rehabilitation of the Athlete
44 Softball
44 Baseball
44 Physical Modalities in Sports Medicine
45 Tennis
45 Head Injuries
46 Alpine Skiing
46 Neck Injuries
47 Cross-Country Skiing
47 Eye Injuries
48 Snowboarding
48 Maxillofacial Injuries
49 Ice Hockey
49 Ice Skating (Figure Skating and Speed Skating)
49 Shoulder Injuries
50 Swimming and Diving
50 Elbow Injuries
51 Scuba Diving
51 Hand and Wrist Injuries
52 Sailing
52 Thorax and Abdominal Injuries
53 Rowing
53 Thoracic and Lumbosacral Spine Injuries
54 Martial Arts
54 Boxing
54 Pelvis, Hip and Thigh Injuries
55 Wrestling
55 Knee Injuries
56 Mixed Martial Arts
56 Gymnastics
56 Cheerleading
56 Ankle and Leg Injuries
57 Road Biking
57 Mountain Biking
57 Cartilage Problems in Sports
58 Acute Fractures and Dislocations in Athletes
59 Dance
59 Stress Fractures
60 Track and Field
60 Foot Problems
61 In-Line Skating, Skateboarding, and Bicycle Motocross
61 Mass Participation Endurance Events
61 Ultraendurance and Adventure Racing and Events
61 Rock Climbing
61 Rodeo and Equestrian Sports
61 Taping and Bracing
62 Injections in the Athlete
63 Diagnostic Imaging in Sports Medicine
64 Sports Ultrasound
65 Injury Prevention Protocols
66 Football
67 Soccer
68 Rugby
69 Lacrosse
70 Field Hockey
71 Ultimate Frisbee
72 Basketball
73 Volleyball
74 Baseball
75 Softball
76 The Extreme Athlete
76 e-Sports
76 Tennis
77 Alpine Skiing
78 Cross-Country Skiing
79 Snowboarding
80 Ice Hockey
81 Ice Skating (Figure Skating and Speed Skating)
82 Swimming and Diving
83 Scuba Diving
84 Sailing
85 Rowing
86 Martial Arts
87 Boxing
88 Wrestling
89 Mixed Martial Arts
90 Gymnastics
91 Cheerleading
92 Dance
93 Track and Field
94 Road Biking
95 Mountain Biking
96 In-Line Skating, Skateboarding, and Bicycle Motocross
97 Mass Participation Endurance Events
98 Ultraendurance and Adventure Racing and Events
99 Rock Climbing
100 Rodeo and Equestrian Sports
101 The Extreme Athlete
102 Esports
103 Carlton-Formulary