Section 1
Development of the Genital Tracts and Functional Relationships of the Gonads
1-1 Genetics and Biology of Early Reproductive Tract Development
1-2 Homologues of the Internal Genitalia
1-3 Homologues of External Genitalia
1-4 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Hormonal Axis
1-5 Testosterone and Estrogen Synthesis
1-6 Puberty Normal Sequence
1-7 Puberty – Abnormalities: Male Gonadal Failure
1-8 Puberty – Abnormalities: 1-9 Puberty – Abnormalities: 1-10 Puberty – Abnormalities: Female Gonadal Failure
1-11 Puberty – Abnormalities:
1-12 Intersex: True Hermaphoditism
1-13 Intersex: Male Pseudohermaphoditism I-Gonadal
1-14 Intersex: Male Pseudohermaphoditism II-Hormonal
1-15 Intersex: Female Pseudohermaphoditism
Section 2
The Penis and Male Perineum
- Pelvic Structures
- Superficial Fascial Layers
- Deep Fascial Layers
- Penile Fascia and Structures
- Urogenital Diaphragm
- Blood Supply of Pelvis
- Blood Supply of Perineum
- Blood Supply of Testis
- Lymphatic Drainage of Pelvis and Genitalia
- Innervation of Genitalia I
- Innervation of Genitalia II and of Perineum
- Urethra and Penis
- Erection and Erectile Dysfunction
- Hypospadias and Epispadias
- Congenital Valve Formation and Cyst
- Urethral Anomalies, Verumontanum Disorders
- Phimosis, Paraphimosis, Strangulation
- Peyronie’s Disease, Priapism, Thrombosis
- Trauma to Penis and Urethra
- Urinary Extravasation
- Balanitis
- Urethritis
- Syphilis
- Chancroid, Lymphogranuloma Venereum
- Granuloma Inguinale
- Strictures
- Warts, Precancerous Lesions, Early Cancer
- Advanced Carcinoma of the Penis
- Papilloma, Cancer of Urethra
Section 3
The Scrotum and Testis
Scrotal Wall
- Blood Supply of the Testis
- Testis, Epididymis and Vas Deferens
- Testicular Development and Spermatogenesis
- Descent of the Testis
- Scrotal Skin Diseases I: Chemical and Infectious
- Scrotal Skin Diseases II: Scabies and Lice
- Avulsion, Edema, Hematoma
- Hydrocele, Spermatocele
- Varicocele, Hematocele, Torsion
- Infection, Gangrene
- Syphilis
- Elephantiasis
- Cysts and Cancer of the Scrotum
- Cryptorchidism
- Testis Failure I: Primary (Hypergonadotropic) Hypogonadism
- Testis Failure II: Secondary (Hypogonadotropic) Hypogonadism
- Testis Failure III: Secondary Hypogonadism Variants
- Testis Failure IV: Klinefelter Syndrome
- Testis Failure V: Delayed Puberty
- Spermatogenic Failure
- Infection and Abscess of Testis and Epididymis
- Syphilis and Tuberculosis of the Testis
- Testicular Tumors I: Seminoma, Embryonal Carcinoma, Yolk Sac Tumors
- Testicular Tumors II: Teratoma, Choriocarcinoma, In Situ Neoplasia
Section 4
The Seminal Vesicles and Prostate
Prostate and Seminal Vesicles
- Development of Prostate
- Pelvic and Prostatic Trauma
- Prostatic Infarct and Cysts
- Prostatitis
- Prostatic Tuberculosis and Calculi
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy I: Histology
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy II: Sites of Hypertrophy and Etiology
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy III: Complications and Medical Treatment
- Carcinoma of Prostate I: Epidemiology, PSA, Staging and Grading
- Carcinoma of Prostate II: Metastases
- Carcinoma of Prostate III: Diagnosis, Treatment, Palliation
- Sarcoma of Prostate
- Benign Prostate Surgery I--Suprapubic
- Benign Prostate Surgery II--Retropubic
- Benign Prostate Surgery III--Perineal
- Benign Prostate Surgery IV--Transurethral
- Malignant Prostate Surgery I--Retropubic
- Malignant Prostate Surgery I--Perineal
- Malignant Prostate Surgery I—Laparoscopic and Robotic
- Seminal Vesicle Surgical Approaches
- Anomalies of the Spermatic Cord
Section 5
Sperm and Ejaculation
- Anatomy of a Sperm
- Semen Analysis and Sperm Morphology
- Azoospermia I: Sperm Production Problems-Genetics
- Azoospermia II: Excurrent Duct Obstruction
- Azoospermia III: Reproductive Microsurgery
- Azoospermia IV: Diagnostic Procedures
- Therapeutic Sperm Retrieval
- Ejaculatory Disorders
- Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction
Section 6
The Vulva
- External Genitalia
- Pudendal, pubic and inguinal regions
- Perineum
- Lymphatic drainage – external genitalia
- Blood supply of perineum
- Innervation of external genitalia and perineum
- Dermatoses
- Atrophic conditions
- Circulatory and other disturbances
- Diabetes, trichomoniasis, moniliasis
- Vulvar Vestibulitis
- Gonorrhea
- Syphilis
- Chancroid and other infections
- Cysts
- Benign tumors
- Malignant tumors
- Female Circumcision
Section 7
The Vagina
- The Vagina
- Pelvic Diaphragm I — From below
- Pelvic Diaphragm II — From above
- Support of pelvic viscera
- Female urethra
- Vulva and vagina histology
- Vagina - cytology
- Congenital anomalies
- Imperforate hymen, hematocolpos, fibrous hymen
- Vaginitis I — Trichomonas, Monilia, Bacterial Vaginosis
- Vaginitis II — Venereal Infections
- Vaginitis III — Chemical, traumatic
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Trauma
- Cystocele, urethrocele
- Rectocele, enterocele
- Fistulae
- Atrophic conditions
- Cysts and Benign Tumors
- Endometriosis I — Vulva, Vagina, Cervix
- Malignant Tumors I —Primary
- Malignant Tumors II — Metastases and Extension
Section 8
The Uterus and Cervix
- Pelvic Viscera
- Pelvic Viscera and Support — From Above
- Blood supply of uterus and pelvic organs
- Lymphatic drainage I — Pelvis
- Lymphatic drainage II — Internal genitalia
- Innervation of internal genitalia
- Uterus and adnexa
- Uterine development and musculature
- Endometrial blood supply
- Endometrial cycle
- Dysmenorrhea
- Congenital anomalies
- Displacements
- Prolapse
- Perforation
- Lacerations, strictures, polyps
- Cervicitis I — Erosions, external infections
- Cervicitis II — Gonorrhea, Chlamydial infections
- Cancer of cervix I — Cytology
- Cancer of cervix II —Various stages and types
- Cancer of cervix III — Extension and metastases
- Causes of uterine bleeding
- Relationships in endometrial hyperplasia
- Adenomyosis
- Asherman’s Syndrome (uterine synechia)
- Endometrial hyperplasia, polyps
- Myoma (Fibroid) I — Locations
- Myoma (Fibroid) II — Secondary changes
- Myoma (Fibroid) III — Degeneration, obstruction
- Sarcoma
- Cancer of corpus I — Various stages and types
- Cancer of corpus II — Histology and extension
Section 9
The Fallopian Tubes
- Fallopian tubes
- Congenital anomalies I — Absence. rudiments
- Congenital anomalies II — Atresia, defects
- Bacterial routes, parametritis, acute salpingitis I
- Acute salpingitis II, pyosalpinx
- Hydrosalpinx
- Pelvic peritonitis, abscess
- Chronic salpingitis, adhesions
- Obstruction following chronic salpingitis
- Tubo-ovarian abscess
- Tuberculosis
- Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa, carcinoma
- Para-ovarian or Epoöphoron cyst
Section 10
The Ovaries
- Ovarian structures and development
- Endocrine relations during cycle
- Ovarian cycle
- Hormonal influence during life
- Menopause
- Developmental anomalies
- Gonadal dysgenesis
- Physiologic variations, nonneoplastic cysts
- Endometriosis II — Pelvis
- Infections
- Serous cystoma and cystadenoma
- Papillary serous cystadenoma
- Papilloma, serous adeno- and cystadenofibroma
- Mucinous cystadenoma
- Teratomata
- Adnexal Torsion
- Feminizing neoplasms
- Masculinizing neoplasms
- Endocrinopathies I — Luteinization
- Endocrinopathies II — Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Dysgerminoma, Brenner tumor
- Stromatogenous neoplasms
- Primary cystic carcinoma
- Primary solid carcinoma
- Secondary ovarian carcinoma
- Diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms
- Conditions simulating ovarian neoplasms I
- Conditions simulating ovarian neoplasms II
Section 11
The Ovum and Reproduction
- The Oocyte and Ovulation
- Fertilization
- Genetics of Reproduction
- Infertility I – Causes
- Infertility II – Evaluation Female
- Infertility III – Evaluation Male
- Recurrent abortion
- Assisted Reproduction
- Contraception
Section 12
Implantation and early development of ovum
- Developmental events of the first trimester
- Developmental events of the second trimester
- Developmental events of the third trimester
- Development of placenta and fetal membranes
- Circulation in placenta
- Hormonal fluctuations in pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy I — Tubal pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy II — Rupture, abortion
- Ectopic pregnancy III — Interstitial, abdominal, ovarian
- Abortion
- Cervical insufficiency
- Multiple gestation
- Placenta I — Form and structure
- Placenta II — Numbers, cord, membranes
- Placenta previa
- Abruptio placentae
- Placenta accreta
- Couvelaire uterus, Amniotic fluid embolism
- Nodular lesions of placenta other than true infarcts
- Gestational trophoblastic disease
- Neuropathways in parturition
- Normal birth
- Operative vaginal delivery
- Obstetric lacerations I — Vagina, perineum, vulva
- Obstetric lacerations II — Fibromuscular support
- Cesarean delivery
- Rupture of the uterus
- Uterine inversion
- Urinary complications of pregnancy
- Preeclampsia I — Symptomatology
- Preeclampsia II —Ophthalmologic changes in preeclampsia and eclampsia
- Preeclampsia III — Visceral lesions in preeclampsia and eclampsia
- Preeclampsia IV — Placental infarcts
- Causes of decreased maternal circulation
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rh sensitization)
- Syphilis
- Puerperal infection
Section 13
The Mammary Gland
Position and structure
- Blood supply
- Lymphatic drainage
- Developmental stages
- Functional changes and lactation
- Polythelia, polymastia, hypertrophy
- Gynecomastia
- Painful engorgement, puerperal mastitis
- Galactorrhea
- Mondor’s disease
- Breast Imaging
- Fibrocystic change I — Mastodynia
- Fibrocystic change II — Adenosis
- Fibrocystic change III — Cystic change
- Benign fibroadenoma, intracystic papilloma
- Giant myxoma, sarcoma
- Breast cancer
- Intraductal and lobular adenocarcinoma
- Inflammatory carcinoma
- Hereditary breast disease
- Paget's disease of the nipple
- Malignancies of male breast